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Good morning, Richmond! It's Friday

Latest news and weather in Richmond and a photo feature of the day.
Northern harrier hawk and crow along South Dyke Trail.

Happy Friday, Richmond!

In case you missed it, Steveston's Buck & Ear pub announced it will close this spring.

Meanwhile, a Chinese national was sentenced to five years in prison after being caught at YVR with 40 kilograms of drugs.

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Today's weather... 

Cloudy with a 60 per cent chance of showers is in the forecast today.

Temperatures are expected to hit a high of 8C and a low of 3C in Richmond City Centre, according to Weatherhood.

Click here to check out forecasts for other areas of Richmond for the rest of the week.

Photo of the day...

For today's feature photo, GMR regular Geoff McDonell captured a northern harrier flying about the South Dyke Trail, near Gilbert Beach, while a local crow appeared to be having an issue with its appearance.

According to McDonell, crows and raptors don't get along.

To submit a photo, email us at [email protected] with the subject line "GMR." Remember to tell us where and when you took the photo.

Fun fact about Richmond...

Do you know one of the major factors for early settlers to petition for Richmond to become a municipality?

Early settlers petitioned to the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council to have Richmond grant status as a municipality due to the need to build dikes.

Local government was needed if dikes, roads, bridges and other services to be developed and maintained.

Do you have a fun fact about Richmond? Email us at [email protected] and put "Richmond Fun Fact" in the subject line.

📣 Got an opinion on this story or any others in Richmond? Send us a letter or email your thoughts or story tips to [email protected].

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