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Good morning, Richmond! It's Monday

Latest news, weather in Richmond and photo feature of the day.
Coyote eyeing its prey in Terra Nova.

​​​Happy Monday, Richmond!

In case you missed it, Richmond RCMP is cracking down on distracted driving this month.

Meanwhile, two new bio-containment pods have been put on stand-by at Vancouver International Airport to contain highly infectious diseases before they spread.

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Today's weather... 

Cloudy skies with a 30 per chance of showers returns to the forecast on Monday with a mix of sun and clouds expected in the afternoon.

Temperatures are expected to hit a high of 9C and a low of 7C in Richmond City Centre, according to Weatherhood.

Click here to check out forecasts for other areas of Richmond for the rest of the week.

Photo of the day...

For today's feature photo, GMR regular Ngam Chua captured a coyote watching its prey in Terra Nova.

To submit a photo, email us at [email protected] with the subject line "GMR." Remember to tell us where and when you took the photo.

Fun fact about Richmond...

Do you know when construction began for the present George Massey Tunnel?

Construction for the George Massey Tunnel, originally called the Deas Island Tunnel, connecting Richmond and Delta began in March 1957.

The tunnel, costing approximately $16.6 million, opened to traffic on May 23, 1959 with Queen Elizabeth II attending the official opening ceremony on July 15 of the same year.

Do you have a fun fact about Richmond? Email us at [email protected] and put "Richmond Fun Fact" in the subject line.

📣 Got an opinion on this story or any others in Richmond? Send us a letter or email your thoughts or story tips to [email protected].

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