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Richmond fire chief warns of dangers of campfires

Remnants of a bonfire were once again found in Terra Nova this past weekend.
A Terra Nova resident found the remnants of a campfire in the nature park.

Richmond fire chief Jim Wishlove said he’s “epically disappointed” by recent fires being set in Terra Nova.

There is a complete fire ban across the province, and Wishlove said he can’t understand why people are having campfires in Richmond when things are so tinder dry, especially given the wildfires in Jasper and other parts of B.C. and Alberta so prominent in the news.

Right now, Richmond Fire-Rescue and RCMP are conducting patrols in Terra Nova to clamp down on people having campfires.

Two fires were reported over the past few weeks, most recently on Saturday, July 27, which was most likely a remnant of a Friday night bonfire, Wishlove explained.

He added there haven’t been any tents or food containers near the fires, so he doesn’t believe the fires are being set by homeless people.

As the area is under the jurisdiction of different agencies, the fire department is now reaching out to these agencies to help clear the area of fuel – such as logs and driftwood – and cut back on the brush to prevent any potential fire from spreading.

Wishlove said he’s concerned about a larger fire that could start and spread in Terra Nova, a protected area close to many homes.

“It would become very significant, very quickly,” he said.

Wishlove, however, said he wanted to give a “shoutout” to local residents who have called in fires.

“I can’t thank them enough for being vigilant and calling,” he said.

In fact, he encouraged the public to call 9-1-1 if ever they smell smoke.

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