It’s no secret that the “Big One” is going to hit us all some time soon.
So, why not prepare yourself as much as possible and take part in Thursday’s province-wide “ShakeOut” simulated earthquake drill.
On Oct. 17 at 10:17 a.m., the City of Richmond will be one of the official participants in ShakeOut.
City staff across Richmond will take part by dropping to the ground, seeking cover and then holding on until the “shaking” stops.
“The City of Richmond is engaging in this exercise as part of our ongoing emergency preparedness program,” said Mayor Malcolm Brodie.
“The ShakeOut BC drill is something everyone in the community should participate in. It is a great way for you and your family to learn how to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes.”
Here are three tips:
*Drop to the ground (before the earthquake drops you) as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down for at least 60 seconds)
*Cover yourself by getting under a sturdy desk or table. (While still under the table, or wherever you are, look around and imagine what would happen in a major earthquake. What would fall on you or others? What would be damaged? What would life be like after? What will you do before the actual earthquake happens to reduce losses and quickly recover?)
*Hold on to your desk/table it until the shaking stops.
Emergency management experts and other official preparedness organizations agree those three actions are the most appropriate to reduce injury and protect lives during an earthquake.
They do not recommend standing in a doorway or running outside.
B.C. is just one region participating in this worldwide drill. Currently, more than 640,000 British Columbians have pledged to “Drop, Cover and Hold On” this Thursday. For more information and to register, visit