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Richmond, Metro Vancouver experience elevated tide on Sunday

High water levels are expected to continue at high tide on Monday and Tuesday, says Environment Canada
Elevated water levels along the West Dyke caused by a combination of low barometric pressure and a period of high astronomical tide.

Richmond, and other Metro Vancouver areas near the water, experienced elevated water levels on Sunday morning.

A grassy area around a viewpoint along the West Dyke near Blundell Road can be seen partially submerged in water in a photo captured by Richmond community member Grant McMillan.

Environment Canada issued a special weather statement over the weekend warning of elevated water levels at high tide this morning.

The high water levels were caused by a combination of low barometric pressure with a period of high astronomical tide. Environment Canada also warned that minor coastal flooding was possible along exposed shorelines.

Although the threat from wind and waves accompanying high water levels was expected to be greatest today, Environment Canada predicts elevated water levels will persist during high tide tomorrow and Tuesday.

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