B.C.’s largest earthquake drill is shaking up the City of Richmond at 10:17 a.m. on Oct. 17.
The province of B.C. is at a higher risk for earthquakes in relation to the rest of Canada, and ShakeOutBC is an annual event that gives everyone an opportunity to practice earthquake safety.
“The City encourages everyone to be aware of the importance of emergency preparedness, especially given our location on the Pacific Rim. ShakeOutBC is a reminder of what to do should an earthquake hit and practicing drills such as drop, cover and hold reinforce behaviours that should be second nature,” said Clay Adams, the city’s spokesperson.
He added it is important for people to make sure families have emergency supplies and a disaster plan ready because “sadly, there is no predicting the future and it is best to always be prepared.”
Chris Chan, St. John Ambulance spokesperson, said that “practicing reaction skills during these earthquake drills are very important,” but post-earthquake safety is equally as important.
St. John Ambulance wants to highlight the importance of having an emergency kit, whether it is for a flood, fire or an earthquake.
Emergency kits should have survival items that will last at least 72 hours such as water, food, a wind-up or battery-powered flashlight and first aid tools.
Other items that many forget are:
- Portable cellphone charger
- Prescription medications
- Prescription glasses
- Important family or personal documents
- Extra cash
- A change of clothing and footwear for each household member
- Pet supplies
- Small toys and games
For more information and to register for the event, visit ShakeOutBC.ca/Register/