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Richmond pedestrians get tips for safety

The 2013 spring pedestrian safety campaign was introduced last week in an aim to raise awareness on the issue and hopefully save some lives.

The 2013 spring pedestrian safety campaign was introduced last week in an aim to raise awareness on the issue and hopefully save some lives.

Volunteers and officers from the Richmond RCMP, transit police, Richmond Fire-Rescue and representatives from ICBC were at the Brighouse Skytrain station handing out reflective armbands and safety brochures last Thursday.

The goal is to educate the public about "Being Seen in Richmond".

"The weather's getting nicer and more people are making their way outdoors so this is a great time to drive home the importance of pedestrian safety," said Cpl. Sherrdean Turley, the media relations officer for Richmond RCMP.

The pedestrian safety campaign is an annual event in Richmond's high volume, foot traffic areas and is used as a way to provide safety tips for passersby.

Some of those tips include removing your headphones when crossing the street, making eye contact with drivers and wearing bright colours and reflective clothing.

They also have some tips for the drivers themselves to slow down when driving near bus stops and to try and make eye contact with pedestrians.

"As spring approaches, we will begin to see more pedestrians on our roads," said John Dickinson, ICBC's director of road safety.

"We can all play an active role in helping keep each other safe by making smart choices - whether we're driving, cycling or walking."