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Richmond school trustee draws fire for talk show slot

The extra-curricular activity of school trustees is being tested after complaints about an elected officials appearance on a Chinese radio talk show.

The extra-curricular activity of school trustees is being tested after complaints about an elected officials appearance on a Chinese radio talk show.

Richmond School Board trustee Kenny Chiu took part in a Fairchild Radio lunchtime show on Saturday about the federal governments policies on the economy and the environment.

Chiu was introduced on the show as a commentator on federal issues, a role hes carried out many times in the past.

However, its comments hes alleged to have made on Saturdays show apparently criticizing environmental groups and trumpeting federal government policy on the oil sands that have angered the David Suzuki Foundation.

He went on for about four minutes about how the environmental movement was not viable, said the foundations spokeswoman Winnie Hwo, who listened in on the show.

He was basically lauding the governments policy on the oil sands and pipelines.

Thats fine, hes entitled to an opinion. But everyone in Richmond knows him as a school trustee and I wonder if he should be on a show about federal politics and defending the governments stance?

Hwo pointed out that the foundation may take a dim view of Chius comments, given that it works closely with the school district on the REaDY Summit, an annual event to promote the environment and environmentally-friendly lifestyles.

Chiu told the News that he didnt recall criticizing environmental groups during the show, but did remember talking about the balance that needs to be sought between the demands of the economy and environmental concerns.

I was not speaking as a trustee and I believe Im entitled to an opinion, Chiu said of the criticism.

And as far as the environment is concerned, I have energy-saving light bulbs all over my house, I installed water-saving toilets personally and my family are heavy into recycling; we recycle everything.

Chiu added that hes the trustee whos pushing the school district into using as little paper as possible.

The school boards code of ethics doesnt deal with specifics of what a trustee can or cannot say.

But Chius regular appearance on a talk show calls into question just how far the likes of an elected trustee can go, particularly as they govern the field of education.

Former long-time school board member Sandra Bourque said trustees can do or say anything they want but there may be a price to pay.

At times, you may diminish your effectiveness as a school trustee when you continually promote a certain partys point of view, said Bourque.

When I was speaking on issues outside of being a trustee, I tended to tone down my views.

If (Chiu) is promoting something thats contrary to the boards policy, then thats a problem.

Hes entitled to his opinions, of course. But you have to be careful as well.

Bourque said its important for trustees to remember theyre in charge of an environment thats shaping young minds or risk losing another precious commodity credibility.

I tried not to be too vociferous when I was a trustee, she said.

People have the right to speak out and offer opinions, but it can have negative repercussions down the line if they want to be taken seriously.