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Richmondites become Lord and Lady Macs

If you had someone walk up to you in Steveston recently and ask if you wanted to become a Scottish lord or a lady, they werent pulling your leg.

If you had someone walk up to you in Steveston recently and ask if you wanted to become a Scottish lord or a lady, they werent pulling your leg.

Indeed, if you fancy signing cheques or passing over a credit card with a bonafide Scots lord or lady title, its not as difficult as you think.

Thats exactly what Esme Sutherland of Highland Titles was telling folks in the Richmond fishing village when she dropped by as part of her Canadian tour this summer.

For the princely sum of $50, Canadians or any nationality for that matter can purchase a square foot of the Scottish Highlands and bestow upon themselves land and title.

In return, their cash will go towards vital replanting of native woodland, which has been in steady decline since the 18th century.

There are a large number of Scots in Canada, especially on the west coast, Sutherland said of Highland Titles decision to promote in Canada.

I believe Canadian Scots actually make up the third largest ethnic group in the country.

This, coupled with the visit of the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, made Canada the perfect choice.

Theyve already made a few sales in Richmond. So, expect anytime soon to see a Lord or Lady MacSomethingorother strutting down No. 3 Road as if they own the place.

But theres no need to bow, curtsy or throw down the red carpet in their path.

Once you own a piece of land, you are legally allowed to change your title from Mr., Mrs. or Miss to Laird, Lord or Lady, explained Sutherland.

This is in-keeping with Scottish land owner tradition and has proved a great way to inspire interest in our conservation projects. This title can be used on credit cards, bank cards and any official documentation containing your original title.

Please remember the title does simply mean land-owner. It is completely different from the titles given out by the Queen and it does not entitle you to sit in the House of Lords.

Initially, when the company started just under 10 years ago, it was very small.

Business was aimed mainly at the UK audience, but as it grew in size, Highland Titles started to expand its horizons and it exploded last spring following a promotional tour of Australia.

And after an appearance on breakfast TV in Calgary last month, the Canadian sales have soared.

We also like to get out and meet people on the street, as we can answer any questions directly, that is why we visited smaller towns like Steveston, added Sutherland.

Once you have purchased a plot of land you can then opt to sponsor a tree to be planted and Highland Titles often plant trees to commemorate special events or people.

Also under the auspices of the company are the Highland Titles Nature Reserve and Special Protection Area for Golden Eagles.

Golden eagles have no natural predators and their main threat is from human activity and poor habitat quality, which results in poor breeding conditions, said Sutherland.

With that in mind, every title purchased and tree planted goes toward acquiring more land, which Highland Titles will, in turn, protect.

Anyone interested in becoming a lord or a lady, should contact Highland Titles by e-mail at [email protected], call (UK) 0044 1481 823 937 or visit the website