Richmond’s Rose’s Angels 10th annual event is once again helping vulnerable people through care package donations in the community.
Rose’s Angels, under the umbrella of the Kehila Society of Richmond, received donations from the local community and donated care packages to 13 not-for-profit organizations this year.
More than 7,000 packages have been donated to organizations since 2012 in honour of Rose Lewin and Babs Cohen, Courtney Cohen’s grandmothers.
Cohen, co-founder of Rose’s Angels and Lynne Fader, co-executive director of the Kehila Society of Richmond, created the “passion project” together.
Items in the packages include hygiene products, grocery gift cards, food and scarves.
Some agencies that received the packages included Turning Point Recovery, Heart of Richmond AIDS Society, Richmond Family Place and Jewish Family Services.
“Giving back can set a positive example for others in the community, particularly children and youth,” said Cohen, adding that it can be an inspiration for others to get involved.
“Having given birth to a daughter this past year, it has made me more aware of why community events like ours are so important to continue.”
For more information about Rose’s Angels or to make a donation, contact Cohen or Fader at The Kehila Society of Richmond on 604-241-9270 or email [email protected]