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Rules for election sign placement in Richmond

Violation of the city's bylaws can lead up to a $100 fine.
The City of Richmond reminds community members of election sign rules.

The City of Richmond is reminding the community to follow its election signage rules in the weeks leading up to the election.

Richmond Candidates, their supporters and residents are required to follow the city's election signage rules including signs to be at least one metre away from a fire hydrant or locations that are hazardous to pedestrians cyclists or vehicles.

Signs should also not impact traffic control devices.

No political signs should be on:

  • any city highway or right of way
  • boulevard, centre median or sidewalk, or in a park
  • any roadway structure or traffic control device
  • a tree, planter, waste receptacle, newspaper or mailbox on city-owned land
  • city-owned property including land, buildings, structures and equipment.

Signs no larger than 0.6-square-metres can be placed on a boulevard as long as they are immediately in front of a residential property and have permission from the property owners.

This bylaw also applies to a boulevard in front of a strata building.

City staff will remove non-compliant signs and take them to the City Works Yard (5555 Lynas Lane) where they will be held for seven days to be collected.

Anyone violating the city bylaw may receive a fine of up to $100. Signs must also be removed no later than Oct. 26, seven days after the provincial election on Oct. 19.

More on election and political sign bylaws by clicking here.

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