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Sports scribes kick off cancer ride in Richmond

Scott Rintoul and Steve Ewen are going for a bike ride this summer, but not any old spin around the block.
ride to conquer
Team 1040 radio host Scott Rintoul addresses the crowd at the Boston Pizza location on Ackroyd Rd. during a fundraiser to kick off the Ride to Conquer Cancer event. Photo by Jon King/Special to the News

Scott Rintoul and Steve Ewen are going for a bike ride this summer, but not any old spin around the block.

The two media personalities and long-time friends are taking on the 250 km trip to Seattle as team “Crush the Tumor With Humor” as they prepare for the  Ride to Conquer Cancer and kicked things off with a fundraiser at Boston Pizza on Ackroyd Rd.

“I was diagnosed with solitary plasmacytoma in my T2 vertebrate,” says Ewen, “They sent me home in a wheelchair.”

Ewen was diagnosed in October of 2010 and he’s been cancer free more than two years. Between his 20 radiation sessions, eight operations over three months and two and half months at G.F. Strong he’s fighting again — this time, against the open road.

“I didn’t have a helmet, I didn’t have a bike, I didn’t even want to drive to Seattle,” The Province sports writer chuckled, “people stepped up for us and now it’s time to give back.”

Ewen will have a veteran of the ride alongside him for the two-day journey — Team 1040’s Scott Rintoul.

“I’ve done it every year. When Steve said he was doing it, I was in for sure!” Rintoul exclaimed.

“This is for all the times he couldn’t get out of bed, or couldn’t do this.”

The event drew around 400 supporters, not just for the two reporters, but for all of those fighting battles with cancer. Just under $10,000 was raised for the BC Cancer Society through raffles, a silent auction and proceeds from every drink sold.

A few local celebrities stopped by the event, including sports writers Iain MacIntyre and Jason Botchford with the Vancouver Sun and The Province respectively, as well as George Melville, CEO of Boston Pizza International Inc. and Canadian rocker and cancer survivor Bif Naked.

“It’s a real delight to get together with our friends. We’re all so proud of Steve for his journey and battles,” said Naked. “It’s humbling to be here!”