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Steveston cafe from popular TV show is up for sale, asking $199,000

The cafe is still operating.
cannery cafe
Cannery Cafe is now up for sale and the price is $199,000.

One of Steveston Village's iconic eateries is on the market after the business owner decided to move back to their home town in China.

Cannery Cafe’s business, not the property, is up for sale for $199,000.

If you are a fan of Once Upon a Time, an American TV series that aired for seven seasons on ABC from 2011 to 2018, you will recognize several places in Steveston, including the Cannery Cafe.

In the show, the Cannery Cafe is known as Granny's Diner, a popular spot where a number of the main characters came to eat and socialize. It was run by Granny along with her granddaughter Ruby.

The restaurant owner told the Richmond News they feel sad to let the business go after working here for three years and building strong connections with the local community. However, she said she felt she had to because of family obligations back in China.

"It's a tough decision because we appreciate the support and love from our customers, but I think now it's the time to say goodbye."

Meanwhile, the cafe is still operating.