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Steveston High development will include childcare centre

Greenway will connect No. 2 Road to Steveston London Secondary school park.

Redevelopment of the 13-acre Steveston High site took shape after developer Polygon tabled its application to the city's planning committee Tuesday to build 133 townhomes on the former home of the Packers.

A public greenway will connect No. 2 Road to the Steveston London Secondary school park, which will officially absorb 4.5 acres of the original Steveston High land.

Townhomes will occupy the other eight acres of the site, which was sold last October by the Richmond School District for $41 million.

A $3.3 million, 5,500 square-feet childcare facility, capable of accommodating 37 children, is also being built by the developer as an amenity contribution in exchange for densifying the land. The centre will also have an outdoor space for play.

Polygon will also ensure 12 of the 133 units are affordable, meaning the three-bedroom units will cost about $1,500 to rent monthly by low-income families. Such units will be about one-quarter smaller than the average market units but one-third larger than the minimum requirements the city sets for affordable housing units.

To alleviate concerns from neighbours, the developer ensured more open space between the townhomes and existing houses. Also, a fully operational traffic light will be installed on No. 2 Road at Wallace Road. Polygon will also pay to build two bus stop shelters.

Some interesting features include solar hot water panel readiness and "aging in place" features to accommodate special devices for handicapped residents. The development will also be relatively energy efficient with EnerGuide 82 standards.

Fifteen trees will be chopped down to pave the way for the homes. Five trees will be spared and incorporated into the development.

Steveston High closed in 2007. 

Read the full planning report by clicking here


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