Transit police are probing a series of sexual assaults on the Canada Line between King Edward and Brighouse Stations.
At around 4: 30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 10, witnesses saw an older man move close to at least four young Asian women and touch them inappropriately. These women moved away from the man after each incident happened.
The suspect and his victims left the train at Brighouse Station. However, a witness on the train had called 911 and the suspect was stopped by transit police at a bus stop immediately in front of the station.
The suspect was identified, questioned, and released as the victims could not be located and have not reported the incidents to police.
Transit police are looking to identify a man who witnessed these incidents and may have intervened during the time of an assault, but unfortunately got off the train at the Marine Drive Station.
All of the victims are described as Asian women, three possibly in their early 20s and one in her early 30s.
The suspect is described as a white male, 68 years, 5'10" tall, 220 pounds with receding gray hair that is balding on the top.
He was wearing wire-rimmed glasses with flip up style sunglasses, a dark jacket, black pants, a white dress shirt with a red Canadian flag tie and a navy hat, which he put on when he got off the train.
Transit police are asking the victims of these assaults, any additional witnesses, and anyone who believes they may have been a victim or witness to any previous similar assaults by this suspect, to call them at 604 515 8300.