Voices of Autism is launching a brand new speaker series this weekend in an effort to help the community learn more about the autism spectrum.
On Saturday at 11 a.m. at Pacific Autism Family Network, VOA will begin its speaker series with a talk on autism and mental health.
“Our goal is to inform not only the community as a whole, but those that are on the spectrum,” said SF Walker, program manager for VOA.
“(Mental health) was one our highest rated topics as far as interest.”
VOA, which is an advisory group to the Pacific Autism Family Network, is a group of seven self-identified adults who are on the autism spectrum. VOA also seeks to support the broader neuro-diverse community through events for self-identified individuals to connect and through learning opportunities for the public.
Saturday’s talk is open to the public at 3688 Cessna Dr. in Richmond and costs $15 per person. Following this talk, others will run every two months.
For Walker, the input given by individuals on the autism spectrum, like herself, is key.
“It’s run by people on the spectrum,” Walker said. “I think that’s really important for us to have that opportunity and to have that stage.”