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West Cambie Park takes shape with public input

Public input is sought on the West Cambie Park plan. This park is located between Alderbridge Way and Odlin Road.
West Cambie
West Cambie Park

Public input is sought on the West Cambie Park plan. This park is located between Alderbridge Way and Odlin Road. Many multi-family units replaced an urban forest over the past five years and a new SmartCentres shopping centre anchored by WalMart was opened in 2016. The developments are to the north of the Garden City Lands. The park features the building that houses a geothermal district energy system (ALexandra District Energy Utility).

Information from the City of Richmond:

Richmond, BC – The City of Richmond is entering phase twoof the West Cambie Park planning process and is inviting feedback on concept plan options.

Information boards, the concept plan options, a survey and City Park Planners will be available at an upcoming open house on Saturday, November 25 from 1 to 4 p.m. The open house will take place on the south side of Tomicki Avenue across the street from the park, which is located at 9600 Odlin Road.

In addition, from Friday, November 24 through Sunday, December 17, interested individuals can visit for current information on the project and open house, to download documents and to complete the online version of the survey.

Information gathered during the public open house and on will be used to develop a preferred concept plan that will be presented to Council in early 2018 with park construction happening in 2018 and 2019.

West Cambie Park is approximately six acres and located within the Alexandra neighbourhood. The park will become a space for local residents to play, meet their neighbours and enjoy nature.

For more information, call the City’s Parks Department at 604-244-1208 or visit