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What do you want to see around the new Capstan station?

The new Canada Line station will bridge the gap between Bridgeport and Aberdeen stations.
The City of Richmond is seeking public feedback for the public area surrounding the new Capstan Station.

The new Capstan Canada Line station is slowly approaching completion, and the City of Richmond is seeking community feedback on making the public area more welcoming.

From now until Aug. 11, Richmondites can fill in an online survey on to voice their thoughts on how the public area can benefit transit users, visitors and residents in the Capstan neighbourhood.

Public feedback will help city staff develop a conceptual public realm plan as part of their recommendations to Richmond city council.

Design elements to be considered include seating and gathering spaces, interactive furnishings, event spaces and vertical placemaking elements such as banners and public art displays.

Community members are also being asked about their preferences for weather protection on the passenger pick-up and drop-off road, which is being planned for the area north of the station.

In addition to the online survey, the city will also hold three drop-in public engagement sessions starting this weekend:

  • Sunday, July 7 (10 a.m. to 12 p.m.): Capstan Neighbourhood Park at 3311 Carscallen Rd.

  • Friday, July 12 (4 to 6 p.m.): Richmond Brighouse Canada Line Station on No. 3 Rd. between Saba and Cook roads

  • Thursday, July 18 (3 to 5 p.m.): Aberdeen Canada Line Station on No. 3 Rd. between Cambie and Browngate roads

A hardcopy survey is available at Richmond City Hall as well and can be submitted to the customer service desk during business hours until Aug. 9.

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