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What's in store for your animal this lunar year?

Rat The Rat needs to be open-minded, expand his/her network and meet good people. Help people and participate in charitable causes.

Rat The Rat needs to be open-minded, expand his/her network and meet good people. Help people and participate in charitable causes. When starting things out, do not have excessively high expectations, but rather, hoping to complete tasks without problems should be the goal. The Rat must reason things out meticulously and clearly, and try to minimize losses by not being greedy or impulsive.

Lucky colours: gold, silver and beige. Unlucky colours: Black, Red, Green and Blue. Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7 Unlucky numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 Lucky gemstones: White Jade or Agate Feng shui placement: OxWith better stars in position, the Ox's luck in the year of the Horse in terms of career and luck is relatively better than the previous year. However, the Ox needs to ensure that personal matters don't affect work The Ox needs to stay active and motivated.

Things cycle up and down, so the Ox needs to understand him/herself and plan for when circumstances change. So at the beginning of the year, when luck is good, the Ox needs to be humble, work hard to the best of his/her ability and deal with matters wisely. In terms of relationships this year, the Ox will easily attract potential partners, especially for the single Ox, he/she may finally find the right person. Lucky colours: White, Yellow, Brown and Pink Unlucky colours: Gold, Silver and Green Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8 and 9 Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, 4 and 7 Lucky gemstones: Ruby and Aquamarine to improve financial luck.

Tiger The year of the Horse is actually not bad for the Tiger. There are some lucky stars in the path of the Tiger this year where there are people willing to help the Tiger and where reputation can be achieved. However, there are also some unlucky stars where amongst the good is the embedded bad. The Tiger will tend to be impulsive and ill-tempered, greedy but lacking in practical goals, overly subjective and bases decisions on too much instinct.

Lucky colours: Green, Purple and Blue Unlucky colours: Red, Yellow and Dark Brown Lucky numbers: 1, 3 and 4 Unlucky numbers: 2, 6, 7 and 8 Lucky gemstones: Sapphire and Aquamarine to improve wisdom

Rabbit The Year of the Horse for the Rabbit is a year of good luck embedded with bad luck. Things will fall into place at the end of the year, but if the Rabbit is careless, even at the last step, there may be failure. Because the water and fire elements are opposing each other, the Rabbit tends to be lazy this year, lacking ambition and motivation, but at the same time, having high expectations. Remember, the faster you want something, the less likely you will achieve it.

Lucky colours: Green, Blue and White Unlucky colours: Red, Brown, Yellow and Black Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4 Unlucky numbers: 2, 5, 7 and 8 Lucky gemstones: Lapis Lazuli & Agate Dragon This is a year of initial obstacles, encountering challenges and difficulties, which are subsequently overcome. Especially in the beginning of the year, the Dragon needs to be meticulous and should not be greedy or impulsive, or else fall prey to false people and ideas, leading to serious mistakes. If mistakes are made in the beginning of the year, even if opportunities arise in the middle of the year, not much could be done. Therefore, especially in the beginning, be very careful not to make


There are many relationship opportunities for the Dragon this year. The single Dragon who travel abroad can keep an eye out for a potential partner.

Lucky colours: White, Yellow, Brown and Purple Unlucky colours: Black, Gold, Silver and Green.

Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 5, and 9 Unlucky numbers: 3, 4, 6 and 7 Lucky gemstones: Coral and Agate Snake Last year, in the year of the Snake, the Snake itself was "tsong Tai Siu" (in opposition to the Deity of the Year), where there were difficulties, obstacles and changes. The year of the Horse 2014 is a year where the amount of effort is consistent with the returns. Therefore, work isn't wasted, but there will be many small obstacles which conflict the Snake. The Snake needs to have confidence and wisdom. Lucky colours: Red, Purple and Green; Unlucky colours: Gold, Silver, Yellow & Brown; Lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4, and 9; Unlucky numbers: 2, 5, 7 and 8.

Horse This is the same year of the zodiac sign, so this is a year where the Horse is "fan Tai Sui", or in opposition to the Deity of the Year. Hearing "fan Tai Sui" strikes fear in many when they hear of it, having a faulty misconception of a year of bad luck and obstacles to come. Rather, the Horse should carefully interpret their surroundings and consider whether "fan Tai Siu" is really that terrible, and it isn't. Lucky colours: blue, green and purple; Unlucky colours: gold, silver, yellow, brown and black; Lucky numbers: 3, 4 and 9; Unlucky numbers: 2, 5, 6 and 8; Goat The year of the Horse 2014 is actually not bad for the Goat. With some lucky stars in the path and being compatible with the year of Horse, the Goat has the opportunity to reach his/her potential. However, the Goat has excessively high expectations, without expending the necessary effort. If the Goat is ambitious and improves his/her skills and has the courage to try new jobs, good outcomes are achievable.

Lucky colours: Brown, Yellow, Red and Purple; Unlucky colours: Green, Blue, and Black; Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 6, and 9; Unlucky numbers: 1, 3, 4, and 7.

Monkey The Monkey is generally not compatible with the year of the Horse, and especially with some unlucky stars in alignment, where it is a year of change and obstacles, particularly at the beginning of the year. The Monkey cannot be arrogant and overconfident this year and take risks. Things should not be taken for granted, especially in approaching high risk activities like investing.

Lucky colours: Gold, Silver, Yellow and Brown; Unlucky colours: Blue, Green and White; Lucky numbers: 2, 5 and 8; Unlucky numbers: 3, 4 and 9.

Rooster For the Rooster in the year of the Horse, luck tends to be unstable.

Therefore, in the first half of the year, the Rooster should strive for stability and not be too ambitious. Now, of course, one should face problems with courage and not easily give up. If the Rooster feels hopeless, blames others for the problems and not take responsibility, then luck will continue to decline.

Lucky colours: Silver, Gold, Yellow and Brown; Unlucky colours: Red, Blue & Green; Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 6 and 7; Unlucky numbers: 3, 4 and 9.

Dog The Dog's luck in the year of the Horse is actually not bad with some good stars in place.

in the is actually some good However, there are also some unlucky stars in the way. There will be unpredictable, unforeseen events that may lead the Dog off track. This is a year where the Dog can win, but it is unstable.

There will Lucky colours: Pink, Brown and Purple; Unlucky colours: Green, Gold and Blue.

Pig For the Pig in the year of the Horse, luck can be considered average. For everything, the Pig should not be impulsive and quick to act. Furthermore, there should be a focus on stability. In the face of the unfamiliar or where there is not great certainty, the Pig needs to refrain, even though it may seem like it works for others for example, making big money, the Pig should still stay away.

Therefore, the Pig must not follow the trend, doing what others do, or else the Pig will be aboard a sinking ship.

Lucky colours: Blue, Black, Gold, Silver and White; Unlucky colours: Green, Yellow and Brown; Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7; Unlucky numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9; Lucky gemstones: yellow agate and amethyst, which can help luck with people and prosperity.

- Sherman Tai is a fortune teller and Feng Shui Master. For more, visit