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Writing fantasy was fate for Richmond author

A self described incurable fantasy junkie, local author T. Rae Mitchell will be at Chapters this Friday, March 22 to promote her new book Fates Fables.

A self described incurable fantasy junkie, local author T. Rae Mitchell will be at Chapters this Friday, March 22 to promote her new book Fates Fables.

Mitchell, along with four other local authors, will be at Chapters Richmond location from 5 to 8 p.m. to sign copies of her first published work. The novel was published Feb. 1 of this year.

Formerly an award-winning graphic designer, Mitchell decided to abandon that career in order to create her very own fantasy world, which became Fates Fables.

But she did use her design skills, with the help of her husband, to create her own trailer for the new book.

It uses a mixture of stop motion animation and visual effects to create a truly impressive piece of work.

I made all the props and hand cut all the paper scenery silhouettes used in the stop motion sequences, said Mitchell. [My husband] did all the editing and special effects. This was a project that stretched over the course of a year while I finalized Fates Fables for publication.

The story is about a 17-year-old girl named Fate Floyd who is cast into a secret world bound by the ancient Book of Fables to retrieve a magical object, according to the official synopsis on Mitchells website.

While there, she meets a young man named Finn and together they confront countless evils in an effort to change the endings of eight dark fables.

To best describe Fates Fables in as few words as possible, think of it as Alice in Wonderland meets Grimms Fairy Tales, said Mitchell.

Fates Fables is the first of a planned trilogy featuring the Fate Floyd character and Mitchell already has a title for the next chapter, Fates Keep. It should be available some time in 2014.

To view the trailer, visit