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Celebration of Colts Basketball

Richmond High alumni tournament brings back over 100 graduates

The Richmond Colts Alumni Basketball Tournament proved to be a huge success Saturday, attracting over 100 alumni, including 80 participating graduates on eight teams.
The event’s objective was to create a sense of community between the many years of student-athletes that have had the privilege to wear the renowned maroon and silver colours. All proceeds went towards helping lessen the cost for hundreds of students currently representing the school in athletics.
After a day’s worth of action, the 1999-2001 team took top honours. Its’ line-up included such notable graduates as Karlo Villanueva, Brian Host, Jason Birring, Rick Pridmore and Jeremy Billan.
Tournament organizer Jared Hulme, who worked with other students from Langara’s Recreation Leadership Program, says the plan is to make the tournament an annual event again after a 12-year hiatus.