Richmond’s fleet of electric ice resurfacers could soon be getting a major upgrade.
That’s according to a report to council recommending a $971,000 contract for five electric ice resurfacers. Another $50,000 is in the budget as a contingency for a total value of $1.02 million before taxes.
These new electric resurfacers, often referred to as "Zambonis," will emit zero greenhouse gases, contributing to cleaner air for users. In comparison, annual carbon emissions for five fuel-powered units is approximately 68 tonnes, said the staff report.
On Dec. 18, council will discuss the contract award to Engo Equipment Sales Ltd. for five 2025 Engo Ice Wolf Classic units at the public works and transportation committee meeting.
In 2012, the city’s fleet of ice resurfacers became fully electric and currently consists of five Olympia IceBear resurfacers that are set to be replaced due to their age, accumulated use, high repair costs and deteriorating batteries, reads the staff report.
These resurfacers are stationed throughout the city’s arenas. One is located at Minoru Arenas and serves two ice sheets, while three others maintain six ice sheets at the Richmond Ice Centre. During opening hours, the resurfacers perform between 20 to 27 cleans a day.
A fifth unit is kept as a backup in case one of the four isn’t available.
Two other ice-resurfacer vendors are also included in the staff report, these being Kendrick Equipment Ltd. with a price of $988,600 and Vimar Equipment Ltd. at $1.16 million for five units – these are higher than the recommended $971,000 for Engo.
Engo also offered fast charging, a large flood water tank option, back up sensors and more, said the report.
The Richmond Ice Centre is open all 12 months of the year, whereas Minoru Arenas are open nine months. Both are open seven days a week between 6 a.m. and 12 a.m.
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