Since 1955, kids in Richmond from four years of age through to 18 have been turning out to play for what is now Richmond FC, and the 2019 fall/winter season is set to hit several new levels for the club.
This year, on top of offering competitive and recreational-focused soccer training and games at Richmond's outdoor facilities, RFC will also be establishing indoor leagues, for families that struggle to travel to Minoru Park and Hugh Boyd Fields, have scheduling conflicts with school or tutoring, or struggle to participate in sports programming financially.
“We've never used the gyms in Richmond's elementary schools and high schools before for anything but the occasional training session, when the weather has closed down the outdoor fields,” says RFC Chair Rein Weber. “But indoor soccer is making big inroads internationally as a standalone sport, and our city's demographics shows us the population is moving eastward, so instead of waiting for the city to build turf fields in Hamilton or Cambie, we thought we'd just make the first move and offer indoor programming from the city's west border to its eastern-most tip.”
Registration for guaranteed spots in RFC's traditional outdoor soccer programming close on July 31, with wait lists spots opening up after that on a first come, first served basis. But registration in the indoor leagues will follow soon after, once the city has confirmed availability.
“We're planning on running it on Sunday nights,” says Weber, “because that way we're not making families choose between soccer and other sports, or soccer and tutoring. It's an opportunity to get the kids out of the house for a bit, to stay close to home with locations likely to be in the West Richmond, Cambie, Hamilton, City Centre and Ironwood areas, and if a kid has never played organized football before, this will be the perfect way to try it out, make some friends, get fit and have some fun.”
And it won't hurt to be in out of the rain.
The outdoor fall/winter seasons begins in September, and begins at $300 per season for the younger age groups. The program involves professional coaches, top grade facilities, and all equipment necessary. All kids need to supply for themselves are cleats, shin pads, a water bottle to stay hydrated, and an appreciation for fun.
For families in need of financial assistance, KidSport, Jumpstart, and Athletics For Kids assistance is available.
For more information visit the club's website. Guaranteed place registration ends on July 31.