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Richmond Rockets bring home medals from short-track championships

The BC Short Track Speed Skating championships were held in Prince George in early March.
The Richmond Rockets participated in the BC Short Track championships in Prince George. Back row: Audrey Chuah, Carly Bastien, Alice Guo, Alivia Lam, Matthew Kam, Magnus King, Ethan Leung and coach Christopher Poljer-So.  Front row: Rasmus King, Kailey Wong, Ellie Leung, Anbo Wang, Jayden Li, Skyler Jino Chu, Gianna Wong, Corey Chou and Linus King.

The Richmond Rockets brought home several medals from the 2025 BC Short Track Speed Skating championships including two overall gold medals.

Two speed skaters won overall gold at the March 8-9 championships in Prince George.

Alivia Lam won overall gold in the neo junior women’s division by finishing first in the 500-metre race, second in the 1,000-metre and third in the 1,500-metre.

In the men’s club division, Anbo Wang won overall gold by winning the 200-metre, 800-metre and 1,000-metre races.

Following closely behind, Jayden Li won overall silver by winning the 400-metre, and coming in second in the 200-metre and third in the 1,000-metre.

In the neo junior men’s division, Matthew Kam won overall silver after finishing first in the 1,500-metre race and second in both the 500-metre and 1,000-metre races.

In the same division, Cyrus Ho finished first in both the 500-metre and the 1,000-metre races and third in the 1,500-metre.

Overall bronze went to Alice Yaxuan Guo in the youth women’s division when she came in second in the 800-metre race and third in both the 400-metre and 1,000-metre races. 

Carly Bastien came in second in the 400-metre race and third in the 800-metre in the same division.

Magnus King won the 400-metre race and came in third in the 800-metre race in the youth male division, giving him an overall bronze medal.

In the same division, Ethan Leung got a bronze in the 400-metre finals in the same division, and Linus King won the 400-metre final and came in second in the 800-metre final.

Skyler Jino Chu captured second place in the 200-metre race in the men's club division.

Kailey Wong won the 200-metre final in the women’s club division, and she earned second in the 400-metre final and third in the 800-metre final.

In the same division, Gianna Wong won the 800-metre final, came second in the 400-metre final and third in the 200-metre final and Ellie Leung won the 1,000-metre final.

In her first BC Short Track championship, Audrey Chuah came in second in the 400-metre final and third in the 800-metre final of her division.

The skaters were coached by former Richmond Rockets skater and current head coach Christopher Poljer-So.

Club president Alexander Teh said they are “so proud” of the Richmond speed skaters for both their performance as well as how they represented Richmond.

“I also want to acknowledge the efforts of the Rockets skaters who just finished out of the medals," he added. "We also are so grateful to everyone who travelled to Prince George to support speed skating in general and the Rockets in particular.”

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