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Richmond teen encourages people to support Special Olympics

A $2 donation covers one day of activities in Special Olympics programming for an athlete in Canada
Marcus Tamkee (right) has participated in Special Olympics programming in Richmond since age 2.

A number of grocery and supermarket chains launched an in-store fundraising campaign on Thursday to raise money for Special Olympics Canada.

Marcus Tamkee, a 15-year-old Richmond resident and an ambassador of the campaign, encourages people to participate in the fundraising so more children can benefit from Special Olympics programming as he does.

"It makes me happy and I enjoy making friends at the programs," said Tamkee, who joined the Special Olympics programming in Richmond at age 2.

Tamkee attends the soccer program every Tuesday and the fundamentals program every Saturday. He has developed physical stamina and motor skills, and gained confidence over the years by participating in the programs.

"Others should join the programs if they want to be happy, healthier and make friends."

Tamkee said he is excited to be an ambassador for this campaign and see his pictures on the campaign websites. 

Companies participating in this campaign include Sobeys, Safeway, Foodland and participating Co-ops, Thrifty Foods, IGA West, Lawtons Drugs and Needs.

From April 25 to May 5, people can make a donation at checkout at the stores – a $2 donation covers one day of activities in Special Olympics programming for an athlete in Canada, according to the organizer. 

Empire Company will match the funds raised up to $500,000 and 100 per cent of funds will go towards the programs to empower people with an intellectual disability through sport, health and fitness, and build confidence.

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