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Richmond winning uphill battle after slow start

Richmond's first three weeks have seen them fight an uphill battle due to world cup tourists being away, injuries and work commitments. Despite these problems, Richmond has slowly been getting things back on track.

Richmond's first three weeks have seen them fight an uphill battle due to world cup tourists being away, injuries and work commitments.

Despite these problems, Richmond has slowly been getting things back on track.

The first two weeks saw some disappointment and a new 9-10 combination with James Tracey and Navi Ratumaimuri showing signs of promise.

But this week was different with most of the first division squad in attendance.

Their United opponents lost to Surrey in week one and to Seattle in week two.

Both teams were ready to prove something. It started off promising for Richmond.

They were rewarded once Nick Pimentel was able to beat his opposite winger and offloaded to Allan Tang for Richmond's first try.

It seemed every time Richmond scored, United was equal to the task.

Richmond's second try came off a stolen scrum at the United 22-meter line.

It went quickly through the hands to Mike Marquardt at inside centre who dummied the first player and then stepped the fullback to touch down under the posts.

It was great defense as Richmond held the goal line for 10 minutes in the second half before succumbing to the United forwards who tied the game at 17-17.

At a Douglas lineout in the last 20 minutes, Bryson Castillo captured an overthrow and broke through, passing the ball to Josh Pohlke, who offloaded to Lance Davison for the score close to the centre.

The final score came from Pimentel who avoided several tackles for the final try of the game, winning at 36-17.

Next games:

? Saturday, Oct. 1 - U19 at Surrey, 10 a.m.

First and second division at Surrey, 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

? Sunday, Oct. 2 - U17 at Home, 12: 30 p.m.

U18 Girls at Cowichan, 11: 30 a.m.