“If it was a little person, the damage could have been much worse.”
Yan Zhao expressed concern for public safety as he showed off his three-inch bite wound after being attacked by an on-leash dog while landscaping in Richmond.
According to Zhao, one second he was doing his job at a property near No. 4 Road and Westminster Highway on Monday morning, the next moment his arm was locked in the jaws of a big black dog on a chain.

“I didn’t see the dog coming. My back was turned. It just grabbed me by my forearm,” Zhao told the Richmond News, explaining that he was working close to the sidewalk.
“I struggled with it back and forth for a little bit, with my arm still in its teeth, which were so sharp they went through a couple of layers of clothes.
“(The dog owner) had passed by, but the dog must have come back at me and bit me. It was on a long chain. It dragged him over, he had little control over it.”
After the owner finally pulled his dog away, Zhao was left shocked and bleeding.
“I shouted to him that I needed to talk to him, I wanted his information,” he added.
“He shouted back at me that it was my fault because I was working too close to the sidewalk and then he told me not to come any closer or he would let his dog bite me again.
“I couldn’t believe his attitude. I was so angry and scared.”
Zhao followed the dog and its owner, at a distance, while calling police.
By the time police arrived, the dog owner was out of sight.
“I showed (police) a picture of the guy and gave a statement. (The owner) didn’t get into a car or anything so he likely lives around that area,” said Zhao.
“It’s close to schools around there, so I would be worried about children.”
Zhao then went to Richmond Hospital for treatment, which included getting a tetanus injection.
“I want to let people know about this dangerous dog and its owner,” added Zhao, a father of two young children.
“If a small child was the victim, I’d be worried.”
He has also reported the incident to the City of Richmond’s bylaw department.
A spokesperson for Richmond RCMP confirmed it had received a report of an alleged attack by a dog.
According to the police, officers did extensive patrols but were unable to locate the owner or the dog. The incident was then referred to the City of Richmond’s bylaws department.
The News has reached out to the city for more details.