The Editor,
During the past few weeks I have read many negative letters criticizing how terrible it is that the government is opening a recovery house in the local area.
A 100-signature petition, are they really serious? This is the best those people can do to help people in need? That's the most selfish thing I've ever heard of and why somebody would go house to house convincing other people to agree to this is beyond me.
And for one thing, I don't believe for a minute that a recovery house is putting anyone in danger because I myself live in a townhouse complex where there are a couple of units that are recovery homes, monitored daily by social workers and there never seems to be any problems at all.
The people may be drug addicts, but they deserve to be respected and treated equally, and I don't see why people are signing petitions to reject these people and a process to help them recover.
I hope those people will come to their senses instead of acting so selfish.
Patrick Shr Richmond