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Beware of city roads

The Editor, To no one's surprise, Richmond drivers have chalked up a record increase in red light traffic infractions! If our city council insisted on a few more full time traffic enforcement personnel, we could probably shoot for a World Class recor

The Editor,

To no one's surprise, Richmond drivers have chalked up a record increase in red light traffic infractions!

If our city council insisted on a few more full time traffic enforcement personnel, we could probably shoot for a World Class record.

While this wouldn't enhance Richmond's reputation, it might mean a few more citizens would live out their alloted life span.

But any council that lets the main "Cop Shop" relocate to the outer edges of the city cannot be relied upon to institute a meaningful traffic safety program.

We have to cope with jaywalkers, unsafe lane-changers, and some drivers who shouldn't be allowed to have anything faster than a wheelbarrow.

Before entering any road, say a prayer to whatever Deity shapes your belief, and be sure to look both ways - more than once.

Terrence Murphy Richmond