The Editor,
The comments regarding the diversion of funds to the oval seem to reflect reality.
The fact that Richmond city staff had recommended against the bid should surprise no one.
Consider the situation of those responsible for recommending the turning down of the bid.
They work for the city under a CAO. This same individual is the president and CEO of the Richmond oval.
Now, let's be realistic, would anyone in his right mind make a recommendation against the interests of the boss? Not blooming likely!
Can you say conflict of interest?
The whole situation is a demonstration of the incompetence of our city council.
Anyone with the vision of a near-sighted mole would have realized that this appointment was a poor decision.
While on the subject, the salary of the CAO is $284,097 plus expenses (the second highest in the whole GVRD).
But nowhere in the oval budget can one find the compensation awarded to the members or chairman of the oval board.
We must assume that it is not being done on a nocost or charitable basis.
City council should immediately review this entire situation and take corrective action.
Anything less will leave the citizens even more in the dark than usual.
At least we all know where that loud sucking noise originates!
Terrence Murphy Richmond