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Both drivers, pedestrians must exercise caution

Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Tragic weekend on Richmond roads," News, Nov. 27.It was with sadness that I read this article. I am a driver and a walker in Richmond, and I agree that drivers need to slow down and everyone needs to be more aware.
Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Tragic weekend on Richmond roads," News, Nov. 27.It was with sadness that I read this article. I am a driver and a walker in Richmond, and I agree that drivers need to slow down and everyone needs to be more aware.Some residential streets are treated like highways, with drivers flying down the road at 80 kilometres or more.Really worrying for me, though, are the number of people I see crossing the street who don't look both ways and make sure the drivers hurtling towards them are going to stop before stepping into the roadway.I'm not surprised that accidents between vehicles and pedestrians happen in Richmond because I've seen many near misses.Janet OakesRichmond