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Bridge about Panamax shipping

The Editor, Re: "New bridge will just shift bottle neck: Brodie," News, Sept. 25 Doug Massey wants to save the Delta-to-Richmond tunnel named after his father, and he's asking people to sign a petition to save the tunnel? Won't work.

The Editor, Re: "New bridge will just shift bottle neck: Brodie," News, Sept. 25 Doug Massey wants to save the Delta-to-Richmond tunnel named after his father, and he's asking people to sign a petition to save the tunnel? Won't work. This is not about wetlands conservation, nor the ecosystem of the Fraser. And it's definitely not about the environment.

The Powers that be, Harper, Sylvester, PMV, et. al., could care a less about wetlands, ecosystems and the like.

This is ALL about Deltaport and Deltaport II (and probably Deltaport III upriver), Vancouver Inner Harbour (which is at capacity now), the SFPR, (South Fraser Perimeter Road) coal trains and barges and shipping, jet fuel, containers, and the Tsawwassen First Nation's New industrial lands (which was once usable/workable prime farmland.) It all equals Panamax shipping.

And the current tunnel sits too high to allow Panamax Shipping.

This is also about creating another B.C. tolling tax grab.

It is a done deal, as is Deltaport II. Besides, the Massey Tunnel is over capacity now; has been for many years - try it, you won't like it! It's one of worst roads in B.C. In addition, as we are all very well aware, 2017 is another provincial election year. Premier Christy Clark hopes to get it started.

Hello?! How many bridges do the Liberals need to build? What have the liberal engineers been doing since the Golden Ears and Alex Fraser bridges have been built?

Don Bruchet
