The Editor,
Are you like me counting down the days till June?
The kids get out of school, sun-kissed evenings, vacations begin and the world just seems right. The start of summer, where you never have enough time to do all the nothing you want.
And ... that 'green cart' you filled three weeks ago with yard trimmings and back of the fridge stuff finally gets collected.
Yes I know there's a few of you out there just like me who, though well informed, but short in memory, filled the two wheeled future of recycling and happily pushed it to the end of the drive. And then with a little less joy, pushed it back to the house (with a green sticker added) still filled with everything you hoped to rid your life of.
The sticker thanked me for using the system, but, I have to wait till June before they pick it up. Well, I don't have to wait, it's the future two pulses short of a backyard smoothie that's going to do the waiting. And ripening!
Now the sticker did inform me to transfer that which was in the green cart over to my green cans. And I did! Honest!
But here's the thing ... what do I do with this week's food scraps and yard trimmings after I fill my cans with last weeks?
I live life on the edge when it comes to a supply of green cans at his time of year. The shrubs, trees, plants, weeds, and my nemesis, the grass, all gang up on me in May. It's the worst time to be shunned at the curb is May.
And this isn't the first May that it's happened! So with only a few more days till we welcome in June and say goodbye to May's food scraps and yard trimmings, I pray for cool weather. And I thank the good people of Sierra Waste for their understanding in my eagerness to to utilize the new system.
Bob Niles Richmond