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City forgets artists' roles

The Editor, Re: "Rent hikes threaten arts and crafts groups," News, Dec. 9. Many long-time arts and crafts organizations are struggling to cover rent hikes that have already occurred.

The Editor,

Re: "Rent hikes threaten arts and crafts groups," News, Dec. 9.

Many long-time arts and crafts organizations are struggling to cover rent hikes that have already occurred. In addition, they have been warned that more increases are coming for the forseeable future.

What seems to be totally ignored in all the foofaraw is the fact that the Richmond Cultural Centre building itself would never have been built without the help of the very groups that are now the target of these exorbitant rate hikes.

The potters, weavers, gem club, artists and other groups who now occupy space at the Cultural Centre and offer so many valuable community services to the citizens of Richmond helped to raise $2 million to finance that building - a fact that the city boffins now choose to ignore.

The attitude of the city seems to be, "What have you done for us lately?"

Not good enough, in my view.

Bob Gregory Richmond

(See page 13 for Richmond Artists Guild's vice president Loraine Wellman's letter)