The Editor, Re: "Bikes still lagging behind," News, Sept. 13.
There has been much debate about cycling, both here and in Vancouver, and the tremendous expenditure on new cycling infrastructure. As both a cyclist and driver, I hope I can have a fairly balanced perspective.
I am in full support of safer biking options such as designated lanes and routes, but have to take issue with the many cyclists who continue to flaunt the rules of the road.
They have all these wonderful new bike lanes, but refuse to use them.
So, why are we spending so many tax dollars on this development? Just the other day, on Railway Avenue (which has now not only has bike lanes on either side but a brandnew "greenway" as well), I witnessed a young man riding his bike on the sidewalk, on the wrong side of the road - when he has three bike lanes to choose from! Then he suddenly encountered a group of pedestrians who then had to leap out of his way.
I could go on and on with countless accounts of similar situations across our city.
And then there are the other things cyclists do to kindle the ire of the rest of us, like flying through red lights, stop signs, etc., especially those packs of lycraclad cycle club members who should know better.
How can they gain the respect of other road/sidewalk users if they continue on like this?
Carlie Holland