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Developers control city hall decisions - again

The Editor, I have just found out the bike park at the end of No. 2 Road is slated to become a condo development.

The Editor,

I have just found out the bike park at the end of No. 2 Road is slated to become a condo development.

What on God's earth are the city's road planning people thinking about?

Surely the obvious use of this land, if it's not to be for the kids, is to have No. 2 Road progress through it and make a gentle turn east to join Dyke Road. This would eliminate two right angle turns, two stop signs and a dog's leg bend that presently exist to get from No. 2 Road to Dyke Road.

Is this too simple? Or, is this a case once again of a developer being in the pockets of city hall?

Tony Turner Richmond