Richmond - The Editor, Re: "Off-leash is offside," Letters, Jan. 31.Kelly Gilles is absolutely correct in her comments about arrogant and irresponsible dog owners running their dogs in off-leash areas, like Garry Point Park and I would add also, the west dyke.She is also spot on in her criticism of the City of Richmond and the bylaw officers (I have NEVER seen one on the west dyke) who do very little to uphold the dog on-leash rules in those areas.Living on the west dyke, we run and walk there daily and though many dog owners do leash their dogs, there are a number who blatantly refuse to do so. For well over a year we have been in communication with the bylaw department about one individual who continues to disregard the leash law, even though he has been visited three times by the bylaw officer.The burden of proof is always on the complainant, and we have been told by the officers that we must take pictures to prove our point.The owners then become belligerent, rude, aggressive and threatening.The dyke is a busy place and must be shared by many different users.Fred PawlukRichmond