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Don't build it, they won't come

The Editor, I guess Richmond city council and staff (who encourage and support mega projects) have not heard of liquefaction? Or . earthquakes? Is city hall prepared should that occur? No, not hardly.

The Editor,

I guess Richmond city council and staff (who encourage and support mega projects) have not heard of liquefaction? Or . earthquakes? Is city hall prepared should that occur? No, not hardly.

Why build across from an airport when all you will receive is noise com-plaints? I could go on, but look around Richmond, there are many more examples.

Decisions from city hall most often make no sense!

Why are we building ever higher here in Richmond? And denser? If you don't build, they won't come. Very simple math. People will move elsewhere - simple logic.

Sorry, I forgot: we are too attached to the dollars all these buildings bring. Sure, it creates a few temporary jobs, but it leaves us with nothing more than over-population in a finite space. This creates tension (stress) and illness.

STOP building already! You are choking the residents of Richmond.

This is not Hong Kong, this is not Vancouver, you live in Richmond, Mr. Mayor and staff.

And you have destroyed it with your neglect of open spaces and green space, turning agricultural land into living developments.

People need green, open spaces for their mental health. It encourages people to get out and walk and enjoy the out-doors and connect with each other. It ensures quality of life, which has definitely soured here in Richmond since this mayor took the helm.

What horrific vision do you have of this city? Can anyone tell me the justifications for the decisions made in city hall?

Our city is turning into a concrete jungle - a horrific change from the Richmond that we all loved.

I accept change, but the creation before us is not pleasant at all. Many would agree with me.

Linda Martens
