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Factory farming bad for health

The Editor, When people picture where their meat comes from, they usually imagine cows grazing in meadows or pigs rolling around in mud. In reality, with our growing demand for food, this type of farming is costly and inefficient.

The Editor,

When people picture where their meat comes from, they usually imagine cows grazing in meadows or pigs rolling around in mud.

In reality, with our growing demand for food, this type of farming is costly and inefficient.

This is why now producers use lifeless machines and procedures known as factory farming.

Although factory farming is beneficial to large companies, it consists of many cons that will harm us in the long run.

Factory farming basically uses a series of machines to slaughter and pack meat.

These machines waste extra energy and produce substances which add to the deterioration of our natural environment.

Foods such as corn and wheat are used instead of grass to feed animals to promote faster growth.

Animals are also raised in small cubicles rather than a free environment, which may be unhygienic.

As a student who has learned about this in class, I myself feel guilty of being a part of the cycle and have recently started eating less meat products.

Jennifer She
