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Fantasy wishes for Christmas

Richmond - The Editor, In that Santa Claus is a fantasy figure, I feel a need to compile a list of fantasy (much dreamed about, but never attainable) wishes that I would ask him to satisfy on Christmas morning.
Richmond - The Editor, In that Santa Claus is a fantasy figure, I feel a need to compile a list of fantasy (much dreamed about, but never attainable) wishes that I would ask him to satisfy on Christmas morning.They are as follows: ! All those who believe racism, ethnocentricity, misogyny and the exploitation of others for personal gain are justifiable wake up Christmas morning and realize how truly wrong they are.Those who see nothing wrong with cruelty perpetrated on animals suddenly discover the capacity for compassion and empathy.We stop engaging in conflicts, wars and the killing of each other simply because we need to prove how much better, bigger, stronger, more nationalistic, more powerful and more righteous we are than everyone else.We discover an enlightened sense of sufficiency before our passion for unchecked consumption fully and irrevocably undermines our quality of life on this planet.We finally grasp the fact the gap between the haves and have-nots needs to be reduced rather than widened if we are to maintain any degree of stability and civility.We come to our senses and recognize we need to concentrate more on preserving that which nurtures our very existence - the natural environment - and less on developing new technologies and better electronic toys.I am hoping my NewYear's resolutions will not be as much a fantasy as these wishes, but, time will tell!Ray ArnoldRichmond