Richmond - The Editor, We have had the privilege to live on Alexandra Road (the street where Walmart is being built) between Garden City and No. 4 roads for almost seven years.
Richmond - The Editor, We have had the privilege to live on Alexandra Road (the street where Walmart is being built) between Garden City and No. 4 roads for almost seven years.Our former landlord sold our rental property to Polygon, and we were able to continue renting from Polygon. But we have now received notice and need to move by the end of January.Thus, it is with mixed feelings we are preparing to leave this unique street in Richmond.We and our next door neighbours (whose house is also being torn down) have had the privilege of having the most amazing backyard.From our kitchen windows, it was hard to believe we live in the city, with nothing between us and Odlin Road except the old pasture where, we're told, our former landlord used to raise cattle and the most amazing strand of trees where eagles, hawks and occasionally owls would roost.It was like living in the country in the middle of the city. Then there was the actual narrow street with all the trees and wild growth, so that when you walked down it, you felt like you've left the city for a brief time.As I walked down the street, I got to know all my neighbours, we even got to know the homeless who squatted in the empty properties.A real sense of community developed as we all watched the gradual erosion of all that made this street so unique. One by one, we have watched neighbours leaving and their houses being torn down, while those of us left behind have gotten closer.With all the controversy regarding the Walmart development, we watched with, I'm sad to say, cynicism because we have seen what development has already done to this street.I think we knew that development would always triumph over a few strand of trees and that it would be a losing battle.The irony of this is that before the development begins, the city marks trees which must be saved. Then a company spends several days fencing the trees.What a farce. For example, where all the new townhouses were built by No. 4 Road, all the trees that were fenced are gone.The sad result of all the development is that all the good parts of living on this street as mentioned earlier will be gone and only the negative parts will remain. So ,we are looking for another place to rent, which is daunting given the cost of renting in Richmond.Donna DanylukRichmond