The Editor,
If you drive by Garden City elementary school you will be amazed by an eye catching display of student artwork on the fence that borders Garden City road.
We thought highlighting this project might be of some interest for your readers.
Garden City elementary school is in the final stage of completing a fence art project that is the culmination of a team effort between the children attending Garden City and the community.
Garden City teacher, Kelly Johnson, first brought this concept to staff, hoping to include our students in helping bring some beauty and wonder to our school environment.
With the help of many, including Vancouver artist Sophia Silva-McGowan, who graciously donated many hours of her time and talent to help create a vision and work with students, staff and parents to design what our Garden City students are so proud of today.
Between March and July, every student in the school was included in designing and painting flower petals or creating eye catching bugs for this colourful design.
Fourteen hundred pieces of wood were all cut out and sanded by Ado Iacuzzo, of Port Alberni, who donated all of his time to help Garden City create this amazing collage of colour.
It took more than a year, working with our school district's carpentry department to find enough pieces of plywood that could be donated to this art project.
Thanks, too, is given to our school district's painting department who added a protective coating to each piece of fence art.
The school also appreciated a generous donation from ICI Paints, that included all the coloured paint needed to complete this project. Putting the "Garden" in Garden City was truly a team effort!
Sean Harrington Richmond