Richmond - The Editor, Over the years I've contributed a number of letters, expressing concern over the effect that the proliferation of empty megahouses, Chinese-only signage, consumption of shark-fin soup and entrenched ethnocentric attitudes might
Richmond - The Editor, Over the years I've contributed a number of letters, expressing concern over the effect that the proliferation of empty megahouses, Chinese-only signage, consumption of shark-fin soup and entrenched ethnocentric attitudes might be having on the quality of life in Richmond. But I ask, has the furor over these issues caused any attitudes to change? For example, have certain restaurant owners and our MP Alice Wong become more sensitized to and respectful of the values of the majority of Canadian citizens or have they just been keeping a low profile, waiting for the storm to pass? Are we any more willing to engage in discussions with each other about finding ways to overcome or defeat the most problematic social and inter-cultural problems that exist in this community, or are we content with the degrees of misunderstanding, distrust, and divisiveness that result from distance, exclusivity, and ignorance? Ray Arnold Richmond. For full letter, go to www.richmond-news.comRay ArnoldRichmond