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Help change AIDS tide

The Editor, Re: "Richmond realtor reduced to tears on African mis-ion," News, Feb. 13. I want to congratulate Izabela Wasiela for her recent volunteer experience in Zambia.

The Editor,

Re: "Richmond realtor reduced to tears on African mis-ion," News, Feb. 13.

I want to congratulate Izabela Wasiela for her recent volunteer experience in Zambia. I travelled through many African countries and like Izabela am left with a deep appreciation for African people and the hardships that they face daily.

The AIDS pandemic has devastated families and communities everywhere in Africa. The extent of the problems for African people can make us feel overwhelmed and helpless or, alternatively, inspire us to do whatever we can to make a difference.

I belong to an organization called the Richmond Gogos (Zulu for grandmother), one of over 250 Gogos groups across Canada. We support African grandmothers and the orphans in their care through the Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Our goal is to turn the tide of AIDS in Africa.

When I read Izabella's story, I thought that she might be looking for a way to contribute to making a difference in the lives of orphans, their grandmothers and the communities in which they live.

I think it would be a great idea for Izabella and other young people to start groups called "Grandchildren for Gogos" and help support the work of the grandmothers campaign. If this were to happen, together we would surely turn the tide of AIDS in Africa.

If anyone would like to start a group like this or find out more about the Richmond Gogos, they can contact us through our website at

Lauris Williams
