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Is the city being too PC?

The Editor, Re: Chinese-only signs too few to count, Letters, Feb. 8. Embrace Canadian culture, Letters, Feb. 10. I wholeheartedly agree with Alan Halliday's comments, but disagree with Lawrence Lim that Chinese-only signs are too few to count.

The Editor,

Re: Chinese-only signs too few to count, Letters, Feb. 8.

Embrace Canadian culture, Letters, Feb. 10.

I wholeheartedly agree with Alan Halliday's comments, but disagree with Lawrence Lim that Chinese-only signs are too few to count. I assume he counts the same way the rest of us count.

I also disagree with Mr. Lim's comments stating, "The underlying problem is the issue of long-time residents having difficulty adjusting to the changing demographics of our city"

Immigrants choose to come and live here, therefore they are the ones who should be adjusting and integrating into Canadian society, not the other way around.

How dare he suggest that long-time residents are the problem.

Set up a business in Quebec and see how long before the language police step in. Maybe it's time the City of Richmond got tough with the signage problems and put a stop this PC rubbish.

Lee Haudin, Richmond