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Leave Terra Nova park as is

Open letter to mayor and council, Re: "Terra Nova Rural Park play experience concept plan open house," Advertisement, May 30. I just received the Richmond News and see that there is a "play experience" planned for Terra Nova.

Open letter to mayor and council,

Re: "Terra Nova Rural Park play experience concept plan open house," Advertisement, May 30.

I just received the Richmond News and see that there is a "play experience" planned for Terra Nova.

As a parent of three young children, you'd think I'd be excited to hear this.

However, I am not. Although I have not seen the concept plan, I am worried.

We love Terra Nova for its "wildness." I love how my kids can run through the park with abandon and experience some wildness in this paved-over city.

There, they look for bugs, birds and berries. They discover new things and become mini-scientists.

I would hate for even a small portion of Terra Nova to be paved over with playground equipment. It is unnecessary and a big waste of money on this natural oasis.

Our local school, McKinney elementary doesn't have enough playground equipment to allow all the kids to play on the playground at the same time. They have to take "shifts."

Why don't you use the money to upgrade existing playgrounds instead of putting money where it isn't needed - or wanted.

Terra Nova is a natural gem, please make sure it is kept that way!

Michelle Li Richmond