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Legal pot on the way

Let's just consider it a trial balloon, or perhaps a trial doobie. Sensible B.C. - the group trying to spark a referendum on decriminalizing pot - has come up short.

Let's just consider it a trial balloon, or perhaps a trial doobie.

Sensible B.C. - the group trying to spark a referendum on decriminalizing pot - has come up short.

It needed close to 300,000 petition signatures to force a referendum on the issue, and it achieved 200,000.

But that's a first-time run at the process during a 90-day window using volunteers.

The group was certainly buoyed by Washington and Colorado's recent decriminalization of marijuana and lots of support from politicians and police.

It is, however, still hampered by rural folks who aren't as fast to embrace the pot movement.

Getting high isn't high on a lot of folks' lists. In fact, there's still a good percentage of B.C. taxpayers who think that more giggling and getting the munchies is not what will propel the B.C. economy forward.

But those folks are quickly becoming the minority. We think that Sensible B.C. has probably figured out that they just have to work harder to get the undecideds and potential pot supporters off their duffs to offset the anti-pot folks.

Sensible B.C. appears ready to keep working, since their Twitter account proclaimed this week: "210,000 signatures is a remarkable accomplishment. Thanks to all volunteers & canvassers. This is just the beginning!" They're undoubtedly right, and it is just a matter of time. Our society is looking for more ways to zone out, and pot is probably one of the milder alternatives.

When you consider all the pharmaceuticals available and, of course, booze, pot may soon become just another option on the menu in the quest for altered states of consciousness.