Dear Editor,
Re: “Richmond businesses onside with new bridge,” Advertising feature, Feb. 17.
The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is working against the City of Richmond in its press release when it states that the Massey Tunnel Replacement Project is supported by its members and that, “Richmond Chamber members have clearly expressed support for this project and “87 per cent were in support of the provincial government’s proposed bridge.”
These comments are diametrically opposed to the position of Richmond City Council, so I have to ask: How many members belong to the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and how many responded?
If it was a small percentage of the members, how is this statistically correct?
What was the exact question asked and was it a valid question?
Did the survey ask whether twinning the tunnel was a preferred option?
While I agree that improvements need to be made to the Massey Tunnel, the mega bridge is not the best option.
It will be North America’s longest cable bridge and that’s too big.
There will be a loss of some of the best farmland in Canada.
The three-level high interchange at Steveston Highway will be far too big and will negatively affect The Gardens condos and surrounding businesses.
The tall, iconic structure will be located on land that is at “extreme risk” of liquefaction.
The Westminster Highway traffic lights will remain unchanged, which is nonsense, since this is a bottleneck for traffic exiting Highway 99.
The Oak and 70th Ave. intersection will receive no improvement so, subsequently, this project will simply move traffic from south of the tunnel to south of the Oak Street Bridge.
The budget of $3.5 billion should be going towards light rail or buses and I feel this project will set us back 40 years in terms of those improvements.
The height and scope of the bridge is not required for traffic and has been designed for the sole purpose of industrializing the Fraser River with a major increase to shipping.
Environmentally, the project will risk the Fraser River and the estuary due to increased tanker traffic.
Economically, it will risk the fishing industry and tourism industries.
If you are a chamber member and/or business owner and this survey does not speak for you, please speak out now and tell the provincial government how you feel.
If you employ people who would be burdened by the tolls and you will be affected by this project, please speak out now and tell the provincial government how you feel.
Carol Day
Richmond city councillor