Dear Editor,
I’m writing this letter to speak about the destruction of the trees in Richmond.
I moved to this beautiful city in 1973 and have enjoyed all it has to offer for many years, however, I’m not a fan of the rampant development over the past 10 years. I just can’t wrap my head around the amount of trees that are falling around me...
Where are the birds supposed to nest?
The city bills itself on the welcome signs as “city by nature,” but do they really care?
Everywhere I turn, trees are taken down for new development and smaller trees, if any, are being planted. Where are the birds expected to nest?
Behind our home, we are to welcome 108 new townhomes and yes, they will be taking down more trees... This will happen within the next few weeks/months and again the poor birds will have to move along, but to where?
If we bill ourselves as a “city by nature,” why don’t we pay attention to the deconstruction of our city by nature?
If we truly care about our city and the birds that live here, please pay attention and stop the destruction of our neighbourhoods and enforce the bylaws, or at least try to figure out a way of living in harmony with the birds.
The city should pay attention to the signage that they post when entering our city, or change it to “welcome to the city, we don’t care about nature, but we have a great view.” The signs, as posted, seem like false advertising to me.
Sherri Balogh