Dear Editor,
The sordid massacre of our incredibly beautiful sycamores on Florimond and Jesmond by a contractor this past week is, on its own, enough to put anyone to tears.
But the real question is who was truly responsible, the City of Richmond or BC Hydro, and where the hell were they while such travesty was being carried out?
This extent of “clearing” has never been done before. Branches and trunks more than a foot thick were crashing to the road.
When the same contractor approached me and said my own cedar was to be topped by a good ten feet, ravaged and left in apocalyptic ruin (looking more like a mushroom than a tree), I suggested that maybe it was time somebody responsible should first have a considerate conversation with me.
Two days later and still that has not happened.
So, I wonder, what if I had not been home?
This is wrong. The Monds are rapidly changing into a desert the rest of Richmond.
Jim Lanning